the infinite recklessness of your hair
makes crazy.
you spinster,
hurricane force.
curly, fire breathing fairy;
i dream of you often. dancing on to water lilies
in the middles of hailstorm.
you never make much sense to me,
all I know is I am hear to love every shattered
glass moment you have.
and im here, straight jacket
and all.... hugging my
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
.Tabitha #4453.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
.Morning Pages-#4.5.
I wrote about bruised ego's and spirits this morning,
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
.Woman #887.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 10:19 PM 2 comments
i wanted to sing to you this morning,
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 11:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
.Haiku #78965.
God told me he'd quit
if i couldn't let you go,
lost grace to keep you.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I lost myself,
in my own reflection.
Ever got so tied up in yourself you stopped really interacting with the world. I have been there lately. So twisted and tangled in my own vanity i stopped noticing the world around… Started tripping over things, started crashing into my own ego and in the midst of it all I lost myself.
So how do I begin to start over?… Reading. I need to find the artist in me… not the stressor, not the insecure human…. but i need to get in touch with me beyond the epidermis…
that starts today.
Im fasting from speaking negatively about myself… and really myself at all. The next 48 hours will be about listening.
48 hours. I will not speak about any insecurity I have. Im going to stop putting negative things about myself into the atmosphere.
Fast with me!
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 9:17 AM 3 comments
.Love like Coffee.
I poured you hot,
waited for you to
-just enough to drink you…
i never loved you sweet.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 8:20 AM 1 comments
.Random Thought-#2672.
you were heavy today, more than weak arms could carry,
even your name proved too much for my tongue.
My lips, missed your smile dancing across them
and the moon… The moon called me and asked me
when was the last time we danced on satin clouds
in her gaze…
what happens when you feel you can’t pick up the pieces and those you manage to catch are all placed in the wrong place. Ever feel like you just can’t get anything right?
The summer left me dry
hollow. weeping for spring.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 12:56 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 27, 2009
.Random Thought-1368.
i used to write about the sky,
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 1:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
“Om Mani Padme Hung”
Compassion… What have you done for anything/anyone else lately?
It’s so hard to not be twisted and tied up in life these days as a lot of us are trying to survive. But in that exhausting feat of survival i dare each of you to live.
Chenrezig Sadhana, Tsangsar Tulku Rinpoche expands upon the mantra's meaning, taking its six syllables to represent the purification of the six realms of existence:[4]
Six Pāramitās
Samsaric realm
Symbol of the Deity
(Wish them) To be born in
Pride / Bliss
Perfect Realm of Potala
Jealousy / Lust for entertainment
Perfect Realm of Potala
Passion / desire
Body, speech, mind
quality and activity
Ignorance / prejudice
the presence of Protector (Chenrezig)
Poverty / possessiveness
Pretas (hungry ghosts)
Perfect Realm of Potala
Aggression / hatred
Quality of Compassion
the presence of the Lotus Throne (of Chenrezig)
Karandavyuha Sutra definition
The first known description of the mantra appears in the Karandavyuha Sutra (Chinese: 佛說大乘莊嚴寶王經 (Taisho Tripitaka 1050); English: Buddha speaks Mahayana Sublime Treasure King Sutra), which is part of certain Mahayana canons such as the Tibetan. In this sutra,Shakyamuni Buddha states, "This is the most beneficial mantra. Even I made this aspiration to all the million Buddhas and subsequently received this teaching from Buddha Amitabha."
(SOURCE: Wikipedia)
I came across this while reading my “Finding the Buddha Within” book by Lama Surya Das. He speaks about our paths and how sometimes you simply can not ignore your calling as a being connected to this earth. At some point we all must unite with the clarity of life and walk our paths…
I especially love this chant.
Time to go to sleep! Good night.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 11:09 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
.Sunday Grace.
I used to be embarrassed to rejoice and sing my praise for all the blessings God has given me… And For What?
Today…. I am thankful for having found the Woman in my life and my friends and family! We are traveling on a journey of life together…. Be thankful!
That is all…:) Life updates coming soon!!
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
.Au Natural.
Ok… in this day and age it is so important for women of color to have this “socially acceptable” look… Well Today, I declare my natural curly fro… Socially acceptable for me…. so worl get to accepting or move out of my way:)
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
you carry alabaster smiles
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 4, 2009
.Realization of Truths.
Love can make you feel incredibly small at times. I’ve had my fair share of roller coaster rides in life and in love and promised myself I would never take myself for a ride like that again… The past two weeks have been trying of my spirit… But i stayed true to myself and things my mother has given me along the way… I also know now… after so many experiences with different people who have come and gone both friend and lover… You can not make anyone do anything they don’t want to do so always be mindful to flexibility and in that there is no need to compromise SELF.
If you are on a journey of self discovery…. fly… be free and do that… it’s ok to make mistakes in the process along the way… otherwise, it would not be called growth. We fall and get hurt along the way but never EVER EVER sacrifice your growth for another… no matter how much it hurts… That other person may need to do some growing as well.
THIS was my lesson over these past couple of weeks. I had to recognize that a very important person in my life needed room to misunderstand, not understand the “re-understand” themselves in order to jump on the right path… there were some misunderstanding, hiccups and heart breaks along the way but surely… perseverance was enough to get us through what we needed to tackle…
Unconditional LOVE is real…
“Think great things and great things shall happen.”
Peace and Goooooooood Night.
<3 Succinct.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
.Heavy Tongues.
Im lost in a web of myself.
spiders never lie when you dream of them. They told me of a change… I chose to not recognize it so i dreamed of them again… and now my heart stand at a crossroads.
i can’t speak your name,
its too heavy.
and im much to weak……
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
i can not say i didnt have an awesome time... San Francisco was awesome. Life often tosses you challenges... I was given the challenge to decide what i needed to do in order for my happiness to be complete... I think I did well. Soemtimes, love hurts and is confusing... but it isn't hard to recoup from being hurt or low... it's all about the aknowledment of your state... and the reverence for the "humble" in life... Seek your own Solace but ensure you consider those in your path... and that does not mean sacrifice what you want for someone's gain... rather shows your maturity...
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I watched you struggle in the molasses thickness that was the moment. the same words fell from my mouth.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
.Thursday's aren't thirsty.
Love sometimes mocks that of a door... hinged and un-hinged...
I would gladly weather myself for you... as long as you just keep turning that knob.
Thursday....June 4, 2009 felt empty. more so than my last empty days... This one fell funny at my feet... and my awkward arms couldn't figure ut how to hold it together today.
It is a desperate feeling trying to catch what you can't feel....
but you know it's there.
I do.
I do.
I do.
...if only there was a way to remind you of why you decided to ever cross this doorstep.
Maybe then you wouldn't have to be questioning why you come back... I love you. far more than these words.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
.and then....
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 6:47 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
.Oh Tainted Dolls.
Come in many different shapes and different forms...
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 5:06 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
.Just When It Seems Clear.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 10:31 PM 0 comments

Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 10:16 PM 1 comments
Too Many Plugs...
We are so plugged into everything... We use CAT5e cables to plug into the interneet where we in turn plug into one another's hearts... Really where does the human soul begin and the social network plug end?
constantly plugged into
iPods. dialing numbers more than
holding young hands in palms.
we spell affections rather than speak
them. there is minimal space available
for breathing so we download freedom
into cellular devices. Place God in Fav Five's
and text him every time we need a prayer.
disconnected from flesh, we work
overtime to upgrade minimal contact
into e-consciousness. being aware, is now
synonmous with RSS fed knowledge because
we dont have a hand free to lift the paper.
trees out stretch branches to hug human souls,
but we trim Mother's arms back because that's
just too close for comfort. family time
now consist of Jonny and Sue battling
over gaming devices and parents hushing them
because they can't hear what Warlock
needs to attack which Soothsayer.
and we wonder why violence is a past time
for those not drowning in micro-waves of
distraction. They kill to feel. Society has found
warmth in drive-thru smiles and comforting diets
fitting snuggly into statistics we
so happily embrace.
What happened to humanity?
Ebay keeps dreams on bid,
boys auction futures while
young women watch self worth in
hopes it sells instantly.
Family Value[s] haven't met market value
in ages and Love is hardly ever up for sale.
suffrage is for he who keeps his eyes
open. The wise don't sleep.
Cowardice has cut the tongue of those
who once used word to spread Religion.
This is not a War of God,
but the call of awakening to
those still sleeping
while giants starve the young,
curse the women and murder the men.
Pillaging villages
of micro-networks coined Humans,
we trudge through cables and wires
blanketed in generated worth
and key strokes.
No on loves,
no kisses sooth the nightmares
of us.
There is no Bible, just
[Delete] keys
allowing us to begin again.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Amel Larrieux- "We Can Be New"
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
.Lips Service.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
.Spring Water.
beautifully written into
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 8:03 PM 0 comments
It's what worries us most. a ache, a pain.... We are constantly in this whirlwind of being thin enough, young enough, fit enough and we can't ever catch up with "Enough" becuase that bitch is a true JET SETTER!
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
.Where have...
All the stars gone.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 9:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
love seems to ride on the thickett of every emotion expressed. It's awesome to find love then fall from it. It seems we often forget about the "I" in "We." It's like we get so deep in deep in the person we are building with we forget ourselves... Forgetting simple filing our nails or... taking that extra time to floss EXTRA good because we're thinking about "Babe."
Well... i'm not going to lose myself. I've learned Loving is about management... and not trying to throw mechanics into the emotions... but im thinking practically.
Just a thought.
i ran today
from the woe of my youth.
25... is proving to be a great age so far.
Posted by .Succinct Ramblings. at 9:14 PM 0 comments